RGB is a concept for color coding causes, and the initial research led to a TEDx talk and a prototype for the idea of a stock exchange for non-profit organizations, called the RGB Exchange. The content from the RGB Exchange site appears directly below, and related experiments are listed in the navigation under "RGB".


Welcome to the RGB Exchange concept page. The idea is to develop a stock exchange for non-profit organizations, to leverage market dynamics and help people channel resources to where they are most effectively used. (As of 5/31/17, the project was put on hold pursuant to funding - if you are interested in providing funding, please use the contact form on this site to get in touch.)

(2 min animated intro)

(TEDx talk)

What is it?

The RGB Exchange is a stock exchange for non-profit organizations, where a user can invest in a non-profit organization, obtain virtual shares, and receive a social return on investment. The shares become an ongoing connection between the investor and their chosen organizations.

The RGB Exchange leverages market dynamics to provide users with a stock exchange experience, and tools for managing a "portfolio" of giving. The user experience includes impact ratings, to help donors understand the impact that a non-profit is having. Impact ratings also influence the value of virtual shares, as a feedback loop to give users a sense or return on investment. We're developing prototypes, and also experimenting with portfolio-based giving. To learn more, we invite you to view the TEDx video above, and to sign up for our email list.

RGB: Color-coding Causes

RGB is a system for color-coding causes: red (health), green (environment) and blue (community). So in order to develop a balanced portfolio, we encourage people to invest in various "colors".


Health issues are deeply connected to environmental issues and vice versa. Examples of "red" organizations include Red Cross and the Global Fund.


Many people respond to natural disasters, and we want to help them

learn about man-made disasters too. We want to help people discover,

celebrate and protect the environment.

Examples of green organizations include Sierra Club, the Environmental Defense Fund, and the Nature Conservancy.


Blue for global community: transparency, truth, human rights,

communication, education, and organizations that support our lives

together on the blue planet. Examples of "blue" organizations include Human Rights Watch, Witness and Amnesty International.