Comic Books
As part of my creative journey, I enjoyed working on a comic project called Dawn Patrol with artist Martha Sperry. The idea was to take the lyrics of a song I wrote, and develop a short comic book to visualize the story. The experiment led to the writing of a full length novel, which I am still editing.
The art is pretty fantastic. You can download a PDF of the sample edition at the bottom of this page.
The Dawn Patrol is a novel and comic book project created to honor RAF pilots and others who fought in the Battle of Britain in 1940, and to honor all soldiers and civilians who held their countries together during wartime. England was the last free nation in Europe to stand up to Hitler -- if England had fallen, the war may have ended very differently.
"Never has so much been owed by so many to so few" - Winston Churchill
Behind the Scenes
- This Facebook photo album has an ongoing account of the artistic process, and related adventures.
- A guest post on Beyond the Margins from artist Martha Sperry, talking about working on graphic novels.
Early Sketches
- The sketches in this eBook served as an early way to explore concepts, and helped to get momentum going. This free "sketch" edition of The Dawn Patrol is available on the iPad iBookstore, and in Kindle and other ereader formats (as well as in PDF format, which can be viewed on any computer).
- To download the free comic ebook with early draft sketches by Josiah Harrist, visit